Service Bulletin

Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 10:15 a.m. Church Gathering with Dr. Keith Ray

Today’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link:, hear it in the church parking lot at 107.1 FM, or join us in person inside (masking voluntary). 

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Gathering Music                           Polly Dunford

Welcome and Announcements      Rosie Thompson  

Call to Worship

One: Righteous One, you are ever listening.

Many: We come boldly, lifting our praise to you, because we know you hear us.

One: Bringer of Justice, you reveal truth to us.

Many: You help us to see how things are and how they can be.

One: Eternal One, you persist in love and justice.

Many: We want to persist in love and justice too.

Opening Hymn “Draw the Circle Wide”                 Handout

      Words and Music by Gordon Light

Refrain:  Draw the circle wide.  Draw it wider still.  

Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide.

1)  God the stillpoint of the circle, ‘Round whom all creation turns;

Nothing lost, but held forever, in God’s gracious arms. Refrain

2)  Let our hearts touch far horizons, So encompass great and small;

Let our loving know no borders, Faithful to God’s call. Refrain

3)  Let the dreams we dream be larger, than we’ve ever dreamed before;

Let the dream of Christ be in us, Open every door. Refrain

Scripture Luke 18:1-8

Sermon       “When Things Don’t Work Out”  Dr. Keith Ray

Theme: The parable in Luke 18 reminds us that when the justice preached by Jesus

does not come to pass, we are called to continue the work,

persisting in the work of justice and love.


Prayers of the People


Closing Hymn/Offertory          “The Lord Now Sends Us Forth”            Hymnal #747

  Words by Jose Aguiar; Music by Pedro Infante

The Lord now sends us forth with hands to serve and give,

to make of all the earth a better place to live. Repeat

The angels are not sent into our world of pain

to do what we were meant to do in Jesus’ name;

that falls to you and me and all who are made free.

Help us, O Lord, we pray, to do your will today. Repeat

                                                                                 Benediction                                Dr. Keith Ray


Shalom (Song of Peace)

Before we sing, we reflect, what does “Shalom” mean?  “Shalom” is taken from the root Hebrew word shalam*, which means to be safe in mind, body or estate.  It refers to an inward sense of completeness, fullness or a type of wholeness that encourages one to give generously, lavishly.  When we say or sing “Shalom”, we are literally saying, “I sincerely wish and hope you will abound in well-being and flourish in peace and all good things good and true.

*Related to Arabic salima  “was safe”, aslama “surrendered, submitted.”

Shalom, my friends, Shalom, my friends. Shalom, Shalom.

Till we meet again, till we meet again, Shalom, Shalom.


Calendar of Service  

October 23 - South Main Chapel and Mercy Center meal (Serving TBD)

October 30 - David Johnson

Service locations in the sanctuary on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and at our woods stage on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays as long as the weather permits. Please bring a chair if you have one.  Transportation available into the woods area for anyone who feels unsteady on the path.


A New Church Directory is in the making!  Thanks to Manella Calhoun for getting this project rolling!   Ed Yokley will be taking photos of everyone who is “camera ready” for several Sundays.  Bring that smile!!


Market Theatre —  October 27- November 14    “Rent”   

Drew Whitley plays Tom Collins, Thor Raines is part of the ensemble, and Rosie Thompson is the Assistant Stage Manager.  Go to and click on Tickets.  These seats will sell out quickly!


Bible Study Update  —  You are invited to join our exploration of the Bible on Mondays at 6:30 PM (returning to original time). If interested, contact David Johnson ( or Cynthia Warner ( to be added to the email list.


Keenagers trip to Chattooga Belle Farms in Long Creek is set for Wed., October 19.  There will be side tours to Ramsey Creek Preserve natural cemetery and Chau Ram County Park.  Meet at the church at 11:00 AM to carpool.  If you’re planning to eat lunch at Chattooga Belle, let Karen Manley ( know right away because a count is needed.


Remember in prayer: Bruce Kalley and family; Bonnie Marsden and family; Tim and Michael Little-Bell and family; Linda McFall; Mike Johnston; Shea Marsden; Taylor Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Jason Harding; Steve Hallowell; Pat Weddle; Glenn Burns; Jackie Moore; Whitney Bishop; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; Victims of COVID-19; People of Ukraine; Victims of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian.