Service Bulletin

Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 10:15 a.m. Church Gathering with Dr. Keith Ray

Celebration of the Spirit Through the Arts for 51st Anniversary

Today’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link:, hear it in the church parking lot at 107.1 FM, or join us in person. 

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Dear NACCP family,

What a special Sunday we are having, celebrating our 51st year in ministry and highlighting the arts.  As human beings, we are beholders of beauty, and in our faith tradition, the very act of creation is, itself, a work of art.  And the Divine voice says, “It is good!”  I hope to see you on Sunday as we reflect on the powerful role of art in our spiritual journeys.

Love and peace,


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Gathering Music                      Ed Yokley           

Welcome and Announcements           Laurie Gentry

Prelude             “Telemann Concerto in D”                 Dave Johnson, trumpet

                               Polly Dunford, piano

Call to Worship

Leader:  The great Artist, using breath and creativity, formed a world of beauty.

People: And we, the created ones, use our breath and creativity to paint, sculpt, act, sing, write, and contemplate the beauty and pathos of the creation. 

Leaders: We come this day to celebrate art.

People: We give thanks for the varied ways art is expressed and experienced. As we celebrate art, may we all be encouraged to be more fully human, beautiful expressions of creation love. 

Opening Hymn     “Weave Us Together”                 Handout

        by Rosemary Crow

Refrain:  Weave, weave, weave us together.  Weave us together in unity and love.

Weave, weave, weave us together.  Weave us together, together in love.

1)  We are many textures, we are many colors, each one different from the other.

But we are entwined with one another in one great tapestry. Refrain

2)  We are different instruments playing our own melodies, each one tuning to a different key.

But we are all playing in harmony, in one great symphony. Refrain

Poetry Readings             Readers: Diane Lee, Sarah Shumpert, Pat Bell, Rob Gentry

“I Am” and “The Vintage Man” by Hafiz

“How Many, How Much?” and “This Bridge” by Shel Silverstein

“I Shall Not Live in Vain” by Emily Dickinson

“I Dream a World” by Langston Hughes

“the Peace of Wild Things” by Wendall Berry


Special Music “Ostinato”  by John Rutter Laurie Gentry, flute

                         Polly Dunford, piano

Poetry Reading       “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman

Drew Whitley                  Rosie Thompson                    Thor Raines

Scripture Lesson Exodus 35:10-19, 25-29.

Sermon       “Art on Saturday and Sunday” Dr. Keith Ray

Theme: Artistic expression is central to human life, both in religion and in society.

   We give thanks for art used in all of human life on this special day of worship.

Prayers of the People

Special Music “Only Hope” by Jonathan Foremann             Kristin Cascio

Closing Hymn/Offertory       “You Shall Go Out With Joy”              Hymnal #80

                      Words by Steffi Geiser Ruben and Music by Stuart Dauermann

You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace;

the mountains and the hills will break forth before you;

there’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap,

will clap their hands.

And all the trees of the field will clap their hands;

the trees of the field will clap their hands;

the trees of the field will clap their hands while you go out with joy.

Benediction                           Dr. Keith Ray


Shalom (Song of Peace)

Before we sing, we reflect, what does “Shalom” mean?  “Shalom” is taken from the root Hebrew word shalam*, which means to be safe in mind, body or estate.  It refers to an inward sense of completeness, fullness or a type of wholeness that encourages one to give generously, lavishly.  When we say or sing “Shalom”, we are literally saying, “I sincerely wish and hope you will abound in well-being and flourish in peace and all good things good and true.

*Related to Arabic salima  “was safe”, aslama “surrendered, submitted.”

Shalom, my friends, Shalom, my friends. Shalom, Shalom.

Till we meet again, till we meet again, Shalom, Shalom.

Congregational Meeting — Approve Session Nominating Committee

Visual Artists’ Work on Display Bill Griffin Lin Hagen

Pat Bell Katie Hagen

         Adrienne Lee Ann Blackwood

         Diane Lee Rob Gentry

         Scott Finley Kristin Cascio

Nicaraguan Arts and Craft Items are available for purchase to benefit CDCA.

Memories of Camp Buc art work items are available for purchase to benefit Critters and More, On-The-Go!, a 501c3 Environmental Education Nonprofit.


Calendar of Service  

November 27 - Steve Morgan; Woods stage, weather permitting

December 4 - Keith Ray;  Sanctuary

December 11 - Keith Ray;  Woods stage, weather permitting

December 18 - Christmas Pageant;  Sanctuary

December 24 - Christmas Eve — Keith Ray; Sanctuary

Service locations are in the sanctuary on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and at our woods stage on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays as long as the weather permits. Please bring a chair if you have one.  Transportation available into the woods area for anyone who feels unsteady on the path.


The congregation of NACCP extends its love and sympathy to the family and friends of Doug Vaughan who passed away on Friday, October 7.  He was the founding Pastor of NACCP and led the church from 1971-76.  His service will be at Foothills Presbytery home in Easley on November 20, 2022, at 3:30.


A New Church Directory is in the making!  Thanks to Manella Calhoun for leading this project!   Ed Yokley will be taking photos of everyone who is “camera ready” for several Sundays.  See the weekly newsletter for information to be included with your photo.  Bring that smile!!


Andi Nelson and Rob Gentry will host their Thanksgiving potluck dinner in the barn at Rabbit Hill Farm, 423 Sargent Road, Pendleton, on Nov. 24, 2022, at 1:00 PM.  Bring a chair and a dish to share.


Bible Study Update  —  You are invited to join our exploration of the Bible on Mondays at 6:30 PM (returning to original time). If interested, contact David Johnson ( or Cynthia Warner ( to be added to the email list.


Remember in prayer: Tawny Booth (friend of Vicki Conrad-Wright); Sharon Fowler; Jason Harding; Friends and Family of Doug Vaughan; Bruce Kalley and family; Bonnie Marsden and family; Tim and Michael Little-Bell and family; Linda McFall; Mike Johnston; Shea Marsden; Taylor Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Steve Hallowell; Pat Weddle; Glenn Burns; Jackie Moore; Whitney Bishop; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; People of Ukraine.