Today’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link:, hear it in the church parking lot at 107.1 FM, or join us in person.
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Gathering Music Polly Dunford
Welcome and Announcements Bonnie Marsden
Call to Worship
This is a thin place
Where earth and heaven embrace
Where past interweaves with future
Where people gather expectantly.
This is a thin place
Where hopes are renewed
Where faith is restored
Where peace is revived
Where love is refreshed.
This is a thin place
Where fresh words are heard
Deep wisdom revealed
Daring promises proclaimed
This is a thin place
Where the God who shaped us
The Christ who remakes us
The Spirit who inspires us
Walk among us
Full of grace and truth.
God above us
God beside us
God within us
May we be open to see and hear
Your grace revealed
As we worship you this day.
Opening Hymn “God of the Sparrow” Hymnal #22
1) God of the sparrow God of the whale God of the swirling stars
How does the creature say Awe How does the creature say Praise
2) God of the earthquake God of the storm God of the trumpet blast
How does the creature cry Woe How does the creature cry Save
3) God of the rainbow God of the cross God of the empty grave
How does the creature say Grace How does the creature say Thanks
4) God of the hungry God of the sick God of the prodigal
How does the creature say Care How does the creature say Life
5) God of the neighbor God of the foe God of the pruning hook
How does the creature say Love How does the creature say Peace
6) God of the ages God near at hand God of the loving heart
How does the creature say Joy How does the creature say Home
Scripture Reading John 14:1-14
Sermon “Praying in Jesus’ Name” Dr. Keith Ray
Theme: How do we, as progressives, claim the notion of praying in Jesus’ name?
What might that even mean for us? Let’s consider the possibilities.
Prayers of the People
Closing Hymn/ Offertory “There Is a Longing in Our Hearts” Hymnal #470
Refrain: There is a longing in our hearts, O Lord, for you to reveal yourself to us.
There is a longing in our hearts for love we only find in you, our God.
1) For justice, for freedom, for mercy: hear our prayer.
In sorrow, in grief: be near; hear our prayer, O God. Refrain
2) For wisdom, for courage, for comfort: hear our prayer.
In weakness, in fear: be near; hear our prayer, O God. Refrain
3) For healing, for wholeness, for new life: hear our prayer.
In sickness, in death: be near; hear our prayer, O God. Refrain
4) Lord save us, take pity, Light in our darkness.
We call you; we wait: be near; hear our prayer, O God. Refrain
Shalom (“May you be well and whole and in communion with all creation.”)
Shalom, my friends, Shalom, my friends, Shalom, Shalom.
Till we meet again, Till we meet again, Shalom, Shalom
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Join us after worship service for our 1st Sunday Potluck meal.
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Calendar of Service
May 14 - Keith Ray; Session meets following worship service.
May 21 - Keith Ray
May 28 - Service and lunch at South Main Chapel and Mercy Center
World Labyrinth Day is May 6. Come out to Walk as One at 1.
The next meeting of Anderson County PFLAG group will be Thursday, May 11, at 7:00 pm. All interested folks are invited to attend.
Don’t miss out on seeing Kinky Boots at the Market Theatre May 11-15. The show is co-directed by our very own Thor Raines and features Barb Barham and Bill Griffith! Tickets are available at
Outside Work at NACCP. Our next Keenager Activity at NACCP will a Garden Party on Saturday morning 20 May. As usual for NACCP events, this one will not be typical. At this garden party, we will not serve drinks or hors d'oeurves; we will work in our gardens. We have several types of gardens and thus many types of work will be available. I hope everyone reading this will consider joining us. You may arrive at whatever time fits your schedule. Some people will arrive early (by 7:30 or so) and others will not arrive until 9:30. Come when you can; stay as long as you like. Bring gloves and any tools that may be helpful. Pizza will be delivered for lunch.
A kitchen table and chairs and a sofa are needed by Kristin Cascio’s daughter, Elizabeth. Please text Kristin at 607-427-7371 if you can help.
Ann Blackwood needs shoeboxes for a project with children at the New Foundations Home for Children. Please bring in any empty shoeboxes you have by late April.
Are you interested in becoming a member of NACCP? Would you like to make this community your spiritual home? Please contact Keith at or at 864-508-1530.
If you are interested in a class on Advanced Directives and/or the “Stop the Bleed” program, let Barb Barham know so that she and Rosie Thompson can plan accordingly for future programming.
It’s time for Undie Sundays! We are collecting socks, men’s underwear (great need for Small men’s underwear) and women’s underwear and bras of all sizes for South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. Bring your items between now and May 28 when we have our next turn serving lunch at South Main.
Additionally, South Main is currently experiencing a bottled water shortage. Donations are welcomed at the South Main facility!
Sarah Shumpert shared the Westside Community Center needs a new roof. They are asking folks to donate $40 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Day being signed into legislation as a national holiday. Donations can be made online through the United Way of Anderson County. Use the “Donation Description” box to designate your donation for the Westside Community Center roof.
Several of the church hymnals seem to have left the building. If you took a hymnal home for a walk (since they don’t have legs of their own), don’t forget to walk it back to church!
Remember in prayer: Pat Bell; Patti Pitts; Bonnie Marsden and son Michael; Glennie Burns; Mary Alice Mundy; Jason Harding; Linda McFall; Mike Johnston; Madison Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Jackie Moore; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; People of Ukraine; Victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria; Victims of tornadoes.
NACCP is an inclusive Faith Community that values questions
and the journey to the answers.
Ministry Leader: Dr. Keith Ray
Pianist and Choir Director: Polly Dunford
Mailing address: P.O. Box 4346, Anderson, SC 29622
Phone: 864-225-3575
Church News:
Instagram: northandersonccp
Facebook: NorthAndersonCommunityChurchPresbyterian
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