Third Sunday in Lent
Daylight Saving Time begins - Spring 1 hour forward.
Today’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link:, hear it in the church parking lot at 107.1 FM, or join us in person.
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Gathering Music Polly Dunford
Welcome and Announcements Lin Hagen
Call to Worship
One: God of sea and sky, you keep the earth flourishing.
Many: We come before you weary from traveling through barren lands.
One: Holy One, you give water that sustains body and spirit.
Many: You hydrate us when we need, how we need.
One: In story, you caused a rock to crack and bring forth water.
Many: Crack our hearts open and let your love flow from them like a spring.
Opening Hymn “Spirit, Open My Heart” Hymnal #692
Refrain — Spirit, open my heart to the joy and pain of living.
As you love may I love, in receiving and in giving.
Spirit, open my heart.
1) God, replace my stony heart with a heart that’s kind and tender.
All my coldness and fear to your grace I now surrender. Refrain
2) Write your love upon my heart as my law, my goal, my story.
In each thought, word, and deed, may my living bring you glory, Refrain
3) May I weep with those who weep; share the joy of sister, brother.
in the welcome of Christ, may we welcome one another. Refrain
Scripture Lesson John 4:5-42 (selected verses)
Sermon “Bridging the Gap with Samaritans” Dr. Keith Ray
Theme: The church has a ministry of building bridges between our community and those who have been left out or marginalized by the church, society, or family. Hospitality, in the way that Jesus practiced, is uncomfortable, difficult, and beautiful. As Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman at a well, he pushes us to build bridges with all kinds of people!
Prayers of the People
Closing Hymn/ Offertory “Draw the Circle Wide” Handout
Words and Music by Gordon Light
Arrangement by Michael Bloss; Adapted by Jean Strathdee
1998. Wood Lake Books. All rights reserved.
Refrain: Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song, no one stands alone,
standing side by side, draw the circle wide.
1) God the stillpoint of the circle, ‘Round whom all creation turns;
Nothing lost, but held forever, in God’s gracious arms. Refrain
2) Let our hearts touch far horizons, So encompass great and small;
Let our loving know no borders, Faithful to God’s call. Refrain
3) Let the dreams we dream be larger, than we’ve ever dreamed before;
Let the dream of Christ be in us, Open every door. Refrain
Shalom (“May you be well and whole and in communion with all creation.”)
Shalom, my friends, Shalom, my friends, Shalom, Shalom.
Till we meet again, Till we meet again, Shalom, Shalom
Reprinted with permission under One License #A-625711. All rights reserved.
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Calendar of Service
March 19 - Steve Morgan
March 26 - Keith Ray
April 2 (Palm Sunday) - Keith Ray
April 9 (Easter) - Keith Ray
April 16 - TBD
April 23 - Keith Ray
April 30 - Sarah Woodard from CDCA
The next church clean-up is March 11th from 9:30 -11:00 am. Many hands make light work, so show up if you can!
Are you interested in becoming a member of NACCP? Would you like to make this community your spiritual home? Please contact Keith at or at 864-508-1530.
The Alliance of Pendleton Churches will be hosting a series of Community Lenten Lunches in area churches on Wednesdays in March from 12 -1 pm. A full schedule can be found here:
Tom Wright recommends the Reflections on the Lenten Journey blog by Mike Boucher. Check it out here:
Rachel O”Brian, harpist, will appear as part of the free Campus Edge Concert series offered at St Andrew Catholic (SAC) Church in Clemson on Saturday, March 11 at 7:30 PM. SAC (209 Sloan Street, Clemson) has recently built a new sanctuary which has marvelous acoustics and lots of easy parking - great additions to a free concert!
We are looking for a leader for the Spring Equinox Labyrinth walk on March 20th. Please contact Sharon Fowler if you are able to lead the way for this event!
United Way of Anderson County is sponsoring free Mental Health First Aid Training on various dates in February and March. Register at
It’s that Girl Scout Cookie time of year. Order online here: You can set your delivery location to be at the church
If you are interested in a class on Advanced Directives and/or the “Stop the Bleed” program let Barb Barham know so that she and Rosie Thompson can plan accordingly for future programming.
It’s time for Undie Sundays! We are collecting socks, men’s underwear (great need for Small men’s underwear) and women’s underwear and bras of all sizes for South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. Bring your items between now and May 28 when we have our next turn serving lunch at South Main.
Additionally, South Main is currently experiencing a bottled water shortage. Donations welcomed at the South Main facility!
Sarah Shumpert shared the Westside Community Center needs a new roof. They are asking folks to donate $40 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Day being signed into legislation as a national holiday. Donations can be made online through the United Way of Anderson County. Use the “Donation Description” box to designate your donation for the Westside Community Center roof.
Several of the church hymnals seem to have left the building. If you took a hymnal home for a walk (since they don’t have legs of their own), don’t forget to walk it back to church!
Remember in prayer: Patti Pitts; Bonnie Marsden and son Michael; Michael Little-Bell and Family; Violet Taylor (Kristin Cascio’s granddaughter); Glennie Burns; Mary Alice Mundy; Jason Harding; Linda McFall; Mike Johnston; Whitney and Taylor Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Jackie Moore;; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; People of Ukraine; Victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
NACCP is an inclusive Faith Community that values questions
and the journey to the answers.
Ministry Leader: Dr. Keith Ray
Pianist and Choir Director: Polly Dunford
Mailing address: P.O. Box 4346, Anderson, SC 29622
Phone: 864-225-3575
Church News:
Instagram: northandersonccp
Facebook: NorthAndersonCommunityChurchPresbyterian
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