Service Bulletin

Sunday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service with Dr. Keith Ray

Merry Christmas  

Tonight’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link in the comfort of your own home or in person in the sanctuary.  Join us!

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Gathering Music                                               Polly Dunford                

                                                         Laurie Gentry

Advent Litany - Part 1 (light the four candles)    Dr. Keith Ray

Leader:  The Light of Christ is born anew this night in your heart.

Assembly:  And also yours.

Leader:  In the beginning, Light shines in the darkness –

Loving, Beautiful, Good –

giving birth to all creation,

the center, the heart, of unfolding life.

The Light graces all creation as God’s presence.

Assembly: The Light is Christ.

Special Music       “Silent Night”                        Adrienne Lee

          Words by Joseph Mohr; Music by Franz Gruber

Advent Litany - Part 2                                 Dr. Keith Ray

Leader:  The Light is the child of Mary and Joseph.

Assembly:  The Light is Love.

Leader:  The Light is a Jewish mystic, sage, and prophet.

Assembly:  The Light is Beautiful.

Leader:  The Light is life in the midst of death.

Assembly:  The Light is Good.

Leader:  May Christ, the Light, reveal to all who would see

the wisdom and wonder of God’s boundless love.

All: Amen.

Anthem  “Pass the Advent Light”

Words by Patrick M. Liebergen and John M. Neale;

Music is a traditional canon and “Veni Emmanuel”; Arranged by Patrick M. Liebergen

Lighting the Christ Candle                                 Dr. Keith Ray

Hymn                      “Angels We Have Heard on High” (verses 1 & 2)

                       Words: French carol, translated by James Chadwick

                          Music: French carol, arranged by Edward Shippen Barnes

1)  Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plains,

and the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains.

Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o!  Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o!

2)  Shepherds, why this jubilee?  Why your joyous strains prolong?

What the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heavenly song?

Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o!  Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o!

Special Music    “The Hands That First Held Mary’s Child”       Lilliana Sanchez

      Words by Thomas Troeger; Music by Dan Forrest

Scripture   Luke 2, selected verses

Sermon        “We May be in the Wrong Place!”        Dr. Keith Ray

Sharing the Light of Christ

As the light is passed from one candle to the next, tip the unlit candle into the flame of the lit candle.   Join in singing “Silent Night”.

  1. Silent night, holy night!  All is calm, all is bright ‘round yon virgin mother and child!

Holy Infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.

2)  Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight; glories stream from heaven afar,

heavenly hosts sing “Alleluia: Christ the Savior is born; Christ the Savior is born!”

3)  Silent night, holy night! Son of God, love’s pure light radiant beams from thy holy face,

with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.

Silent Meditation

An Invitation to the Love Feast

Holy God, source of life and without end,

we give thanks to you!

You continually call all life into being,

cradling your creation in compassion.

You spread out the heavens like a tent and

enclose the seas.

You fill the world with wondrous creatures and

know all things as truly good.

Holy God,

as You visit us in the birth of Jesus,

heal our blindness

so that we may see your presence now

always within and among us.

In these gifts of food and drink, bind us together as a community and help us to taste the banquet of heaven here on earth.

Distribution of Food and Drink



Fellowship Time


Calendar of Service -

December 31 - Rev. Dr. Steve Morgan

January 3 - Keenagers Hymn Fest

January 7 - Dr. Keith Ray

Epiphany Stars

1st Sunday Potluck meal

Elder training after service

January 14 - Dr. Keith Ray

Ordination and Installation of Elders

Session meeting

January 21 -  TBD

January 28 -  TBD


Remember in prayer:  Katie Hagen; Ann Blackwood; Linda McFall; Bonnie Marsden and son Michael; Jackie Moore; Glennie Burns; Mary Alice Mundy; Jason Harding; Madison Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; People of Ukraine; People of Israel and Palestine.

NACCP is an inclusive Faith Community that values questions

and the journey to the answers.

Ministry Leader: Dr. Keith Ray

Pianist and Choir Director: Polly Dunford

Mailing address: P.O. Box 4346, Anderson, SC 29622

Phone: 864-225-3575


Church News:

Instagram:  northandersonccp

Facebook:  NorthAndersonCommunityChurchPresbyterianformation to follow