Our Mission and Vision

“The NACCP family embraces all as we seek love, justice and peace in our fragile world. We celebrate our differences as we demonstrate openness, compassion and understanding.”

As a family of God’s people, and believers in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we will seek to be a haven of safety for those who might need one, a light of hope for all who seek healing and a ministry of compassion for those who feel left out.

We will be vocal as we actively seek peace and social justice and brave as we lovingly speak the truth in a world that might not wish to hear us.

We will endeavor to live into our hopes of what is just and not be governed by fear of persecution or the unknown.

With open minds, open hearts, open doors and open arms we will move forward as a diverse community, embracing everyone’s unique faith journey and empowering not only ourselves but those outside our congregation as well.

We will proudly welcome ALL without question. We will celebrate the diversity of God’s gifts among us. We will serve the greater good with intentional passion as we seek to deepen our understanding of the life we are called to live.

We will recognize our reformed tradition as an ever-dynamic phenomenon and will therefore remain inspired to exercise the initiative to stay informed, the discipline to remain involved, and the compassion to be inclusive.

We will seek to maintain an open dialogue amongst ourselves as well as with those outside our congregation, ever striving to understand one another in hopes that all may grow from our willingness to remain open.

We will be responsible stewards of the environment and honor our connectedness with all creation.

We will give freely of our money, time and talents to further the ministry of this church for our children and future generations as we continue to listen to God and to one another for direction in this fragile world we share.

November 1, 2014

We are a More Light Presbyterian church.

We are welcoming and affirming of the LGBTQ+ community.

We are an PC USA Earth Care Certified Congregation.

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