Service Bulletin

Sunday, July 10 at 10:15 a.m. Church Gathering with David Johnson

Today’s service has THREE choices.  You may view the Live Stream on Facebook at this link:, hear it in the church parking lot at 107.1 FM, or join us in person inside (masking preferred). 

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Gathering Music         Polly Dunford

Choir Rehearsal

Welcome and Announcements Joanne Batten

Call to Worship      from Luke 6:27-31 David Johnson

Leader:  "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

People:  Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

Leader:  If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also;

People:  And from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.

Leader:  Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again.

People:  Do to others as you would have them do to you.

All:  As we are called to forgive others, let us worship the God of forgiveness.

Special Music “Turn It Around”                David Johnson,

                                  Polly Dunford and Choir

       from Cotton Patch Gospel, Words and Music by Harry Chapin

Chorus:  Turn it around, turn it around, Surprise ‘em a little, start shifting the ground.

To get right-side up, turn upside down. Now is the time to turn it around.

Scripture Reading   Genesis 45:1-15 David Johnson

Sermon Revenge is Like Ice Cream           David Johnson

Prayers of the People Joanne Batten

Closing Hymn “Christ, Your Words of Love Confound Us”

Lyrics by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, to the tune of “Beach Spring”

Christ, your words of love confound us, even as we give you praise,
for the lessons that you teach us seem so far from this world's ways.
How can we love those who hate us? How can we love enemies?
What of people who abuse us? How can we love even these?

Make us mindful: love is action, not a feeling that uplifts.
In each daily situation, love's the greatest of all gifts.
It's the wiser, stronger person who will break the chain of hate.

Love can usher in redemption; love can make a people great.

Faced with those who seek to hurt us, make us confident and free:
you don't call us to be helpless but to stand with dignity.
Lord, when others are demanding, may we know they matter more
than our money or possessions. May we share, not keeping score.

If we love just those who love us, where's the giving? Where's the grace?
Even sinners try to do this; they have friends that they embrace.
May we do, Lord, unto others as we'd have them also do.
You have shown us: Love is action. May we love, and make things new.

Benediction                     David Johnson




Calendar of Service

July 17 - Rev. Dr. Steve Morgan

July 24 - Rev. Deb Richardson-Moore

July 31 - Rev. Dr. Phuc Dai Nguyen

August 7 - Dr. Elaine Nocks

August 14 - Rev. Johnny McKinney

August  21 - Rev. Dr. Steve Morgan

August 28 - Rev. Laura Collins

Church clean-up for July is CANCELED.  The next church clean-up will be Saturday, August 13, at 9:30 AM.


A brainstorming session for Keenagers will be held on Wed., July 13 at 11:30 AM.


Red Cross “Hands Only CPR” training is scheduled for Saturday, July 23, at 2:00 PM.   Please let Barb know if you want to sign up.  Text her at 864-940-0429.


Summer News!  The Plis family will be in town and coming to church on July 17th! If you would like to visit with Kevin and Andrea - and meet Charlie - come to church on the 17th.


A work trip to CDCA in Nicaragua is being planned for 2023.  More details to follow.


Remember in prayer: Linda McFall; Mike Johnston; Shea Marsden; Taylor Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Family and Friends of Terry Ann Hayes; Jason Harding; Steve Hallowell; Pat Weddle; Glenn Burns; Tim and Michael Little-Bell and family; Jackie Moore; Whitney Bishop; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, 

and injustice; Victims of COVID-19; People of Ukraine;  Victims of mass shootings.