Service Bulletin

Sunday, July 2 at 10:15 a.m. Church Gathering with Dr. Ed Yokley and Dave Johnson

Today’s service may be viewed on Facebook Live Stream at this link, or join us in person indoors in the sanctuary. 

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"And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you: and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family."  Leviticus 25:10 KJV

Gathering Music                  Dr. Ed Yokley

Welcome and Announcements         Dave Johnson

Call to Worship

A Reading in Four Parts from a July 4th Observance Speech

Given by Frederick Douglass

"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"

Opening Hymn             “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”                Verses 1 and 4

                  Words by Julia Ward Howe,  Music by William Steffe.

              1861. Public domain.  All rights reserved.

1)  Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

He hath loos’d the fateful lightning of His terrible swift word;

His truth is marching on.

Chorus:  Glory, glory, hallelujah!  Glory, glory, hallelujah!

    Glory, glory, hallelujah!  His truth is marching on.

4)  In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;

As He died to make men holy let us live make men free,

While God is marching on.   Chorus

Scripture Lesson       2 Corinthians 3:17,  John 8:32,  1 Peter 2:16

Sermon        July 2,1776 - "The Declaration That Almost Was”           Dr. Ed Yokley

Synopsis: The July 1-2, 1776, Draft of the Declaration of Independence had a 168-word section on the evils of slavery, its promotion by the Crown, and how it should be banned in our emerging nation.

This section too was written by the both brilliant and complex young Thomas Jefferson.

Prayers of the People

Closing Hymn/Offertory     “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies”  Hymnal #338

                (Our Country's Unofficial National Anthem!)

1)  O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,

for purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain!

America!  America!  God shed his grace on thee,

and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!

2)  O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,

who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

America!  America!  God mend thine every flaw;

confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!

3)  O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years

thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears!

America!  America!  May God thy gold refine

till all success be nobleness and every gain divine!

Benediction           Dr. Ed Yokley


Shalom   (“May you be well and whole and in communion with all creation.”)

        Shalom, my friends, Shalom, my friends, Shalom, Shalom.

       Till we meet again, Till we meet again, Shalom, Shalom

Reprinted with permission under One License #A-625711.  All rights reserved.

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Please join us for our 1st Sunday Potluck meal following worship service.

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Calendar of Service 

July 9 - Dr. Keith Ray; Outdoor service

July 16 - Dr. Keith Ray; Indoor service

July 23 - Elaine Nocks; Outdoor service

July 30 - Dr. Keith Ray; Outdoor service

August 6 - Dr. Keith Ray; Indoor service.  1st Sunday Potluck meal

August 13 - Rev. Dr. Tom Richie; Outdoor service

August 20 - Dr. Keith Ray; Indoor service

August 27 - TBD


Laurie’s Peanut Butter Whiskey Band will be performing at the Spotted Pig in Fair Play on Saturday, July 1 at 5 pm.


The next PFLAG meeting will be Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 7 pm at the church.  Everyone is invited to come and participate, listen and share ideas.


To current and potential choir members from Polly Dunford: Let’s have a choir practice on Sunday, July 16 at 9:25 am in the choir room. I have a short anthem that I think we can learn (for some, review) and then sing it during the service that day. Call or text Polly at 864-940-0640 with any questions.
The Board of the Anderson Forum for Progressive Theology (AFPT) invites NACCP members and friends to attend an informal conversation with Rob Gentry on July 16 from 2 – 3:30 pm at the home of Bitsy Pickens (405 Boulevard, Anderson). Rob will share the story of his visit to a holy man in India where he experienced unexplainable miracles. Please note that this is not an official AFPT event and will not be publicized as such; however, all interested parties are welcome to attend.
There will be a Keenagers planning meeting on July 26th at 11 am. Bring your own lunch, ideas, and willingness to be an event coordinator!


Our very own Thor Raines will be featured in the Summer Breezin’ original rock show at Centre Stage in Greenville. The show runs July 13 – August 6. Visit for more info and tickets.
Food donations continue to be needed for AIM (Anderson Interfaith Ministries). They are especially in need of peanut butter and jelly but don’t forget to keep re-filling our basket designated for the AIM pantry to cover all of their needed items.

Are you interested in becoming a member of NACCP?  Would you like to make this community your spiritual home?  Please contact Keith at or at 864-508-1530.


If you are interested in a class on Advanced Directives and/or the “Stop the Bleed” program, let Barb Barham know so that she and Rosie Thompson can plan accordingly for future programming.


Sarah Shumpert shared the Westside Community Center needs a new roof. They are asking folks to donate $40 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Day being signed into legislation as a national holiday. Donations can be made online through the United Way of Anderson County.  Use the “Donation Description” box to designate your donation for the Westside Community Center roof.


Remember in prayer: Linda McFall; Patti Pitts; Bonnie Marsden and son Michael; Glennie Burns; Mary Alice Mundy; Jason Harding; Mike Johnston; Madison Bishop (Whitney’s niece); Jackie Moore; Latha and Cheryl Semones; Immigrant families; Victims of all violence, oppression, and injustice; People of Ukraine. 

NACCP is an inclusive Faith Community that values questions

and the journey to the answers.

Ministry Leader: Dr. Keith Ray

Pianist and Choir Director: Polly Dunford

Mailing address: P.O. Box 4346, Anderson, SC 29622

Phone: 864-225-3575


Church News:

Instagram:  northandersonccp

Facebook:  NorthAndersonCommunityChurchPresbyterian